Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Technological Meltdown!

I've had to resort to using a PC! (horror of horrors!!) While Sweden is a very forward thinking country, the people seem to keep their wireless internet networks locked. Since Anna uses a portable modem for her internet access, I searched for and found one wireless network which was not locked. I used it easily for the first few days, but I think the owner is on to me and has now banned me. So my Mac sits uselessly on the kitchen counter.
Now once you go Mac you can never go back, but desperate times call for desperate measures. So of course I chose PC over nothing. However, communicating with a PC is not very easy, especially a Swedish one like Anna's. And throwing it against a wall would not help matters at all! So last night I sat for hours trying to get it right, but unfortunately I still ended up with a blog post full of grammatical errors.
So in short I'm saying: if my previous post is not up to scratch, it's not actually my fault. This PC won't allow me to edit a post once it's published. In fact, and I know this is probably useless info to you, it won't even allow me to publish a post directly! I first have to save the post as a draft, then go to "saved drafts" and select "publish this post" !!
I'm also quite aware that the previous post is not too funny, so if you're looking for a laugh, try translating the page to Swedish.
Today I have my first day of grey skies in Stockholm, I think it's a museum day.